Sunday, May 31, 2009

Some normalization issues.

While shaping out code for the pilot data set analysis I've figured out browsing motifs and plots that normalization to the zero mean and unit of energy failed to produce "proper" results in the next two cases:
[1] when only single value in the sub-series
[2] when all values are the same, i.e. deviation = 0
which subsequently lead to some weird patterns.


Also still a bit confused by appearance of some "interesting" motifs like here:

The raw values look a bit unaligned to me, last symbol of motif is "c" for both, but this "c" in the red trajectory is less than "a" on blue. But I guess it's all about scale.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pilot data set.

I've made plots of pilot data


and Z-normalized

The PDF versions are here: The raw and normalized data.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Working on the Pilot data set.

Aiming the dissertation thesis proposal I'm working on the Trajectory code right now. The main change here is that the data comes now from the single project and categorized by users instead of simply navigating "anonymous" streams before. This change in the analysis flow pushed me to change a database schema and it looks now as follows:

Also, changes in schema and analysis forced me to rewrite bunch of the iBATIS queries, the coolest query so far is like that:
SELECT AS motif_id, sm.substring AS motif, AS entry_id,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sax_motif_offset
JOIN sax_motif_entry ON sax_motif_offset.sax_motif_entry =
JOIN sax_motif ON = sax_motif_entry.sax_motif
WHERE = motif_id) AS entry_frequency
FROM sax_motif sm
JOIN sax_motif_entry sme ON
JOIN chart ON = sme.chart
WHERE sm.sax_index = #value#
GROUP BY motif
HAVING entry_frequency > 1
ORDER BY entry_frequency DESC;
and retrieves all motifs for the specific index sorted by frequency.

Monday, May 11, 2009

litreview: almost there

I've finished incorporating Philip's suggestion and syntax fixes (thank you!) into my litreview and the last thing left is the bibtex formatted bibliography which for some reasons getting misformatted by TEX.
The litreview pre-final draft is here: litreview draft

Monday, May 4, 2009

Literature review draft finished.

I've spent last week working on the literature review. Finished the final draft and submitted it for the review.
While reviewing SAX papers I've got ideas and answers for the algorithmic questions I've hit coding my implementation (concerning the normalization and distribution issues). This week I'm going to embed this special cases into my code and get back on track with the Trajectory software.
Meanwhile I'm transitioning in writing from literature review to thesis proposal. Looks doable (-:.