Saturday, April 21, 2007

Continuing the Ruby way... (Windows)

So, I've installed Ruby at my Windows machine along with RDT and RadRails Eclipse plugins and my Eclipse went wrong. It doesn't want to load, it cannot update due to some insane dependencies...

So, I've decided to reinstall Eclipse.

Since I am using WTP, at first I got it downloaded from IBM, but id didn't want to update, I've tried WTP site and this distros didn't work also. I got empty Eclipse and tried to install all my stuff, but it died on update again.

And after I found the best Eclipse configurator ever! Take a look at it at Innoopract. It does has all needed packages and plugins: I use Java, WTP, CDT, EPIC and RDT with dozens of plugins and tools. I got em all as the one zip, unzipped and working on Ruby skills now.

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