Monday, September 22, 2008

Placeholder for the Monday, September, 22

Basically it's about 10:32PM (MST) and I am late with posting my entry. Just found why my DTW implementation doesn't follows the reference one: I was not averaging points which were merged during the DTW along with NOT interpolating ones which happen at gaps. The bug is understood, but I am not feeling like patching it right now: it requires writing tests and altering some code. Will update this blog entry tomorrow. Meanwhile I went through the "spaghetti code" sections and some telemetry artifacts remaining in my code and cleaned it up, however I think that the sequence of events to get three plots as in the previous entry is still far from the perfect. Also I am working on the DTW panels UI and cleaned up the streams statistics from some junk along with introducing a little DTW statistics panel. See you a little later :).

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