Monday, October 13, 2008

Technical review outline.

During the Summer and Fall of '08 I was doing research focusing on the "telemetry trajectory" idea which resulted in the three software components, which are "in the development stage" and will constitute the three major chapters of my future report:

  1. Software development activity simulation package. I've developed the sensorbase-sim extension package based on the JADE framework. It is fairly simple agent-based application which generates software metrics data once provided with simulation parameters for the code, such as overall functional points requirements, points per class, LOC's per point etc... and developers data, such as number of developers and their expertize level.

    While I've found a large amount of the approach-justifying literature and methods to continue the simulation package was shalved till better times and I focused on the Trajectory-UI development.

  2. Second application I was working on was a stand-alone Java application for the visualizing trajectories in the 3D space.

    This work was following Philip's original idea about trajectory visualization.
    This application is based on the Java3D package and it's main purpose is the exploration of the trajectory visualization approach. While working on the visualization implementation I was going through the trajectory-visualization related materials review and discovered the vast amount of research done in the area of the complex trajectories matching. Part of the reviewed articles will stuff the report.

  3. The most active development and research I am conducting right now now is on the Trajectory component of the Hackystat-ProjectBrowser application. Currently I am exploring the DTW algorithm application for the software telemetry data. Considering the amount of the work and research I've done this would be the major component of my report describing in the details the DTW application to the telemetry data.

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