Sunday, March 22, 2009

iBATIS + MySQL + MIGLayout

During last week I've finished improving the TrajectoryDB schema and moved from the tricky JDBC connector business to the iBATIS data mapper. DB things become much easier now and this is a schema I'm currently using:

My current goal is to find out if there are any interesting motifs among the data I have. Using MySQL querying + R scripting turned out to be a quite time-consuming search, so I've ended up hacking a neat GUI tool to conduct the search. Here is a current GUI snapshot:

For now I can choose particular motif (left top scroll table, frequency is the number of motif occurrences over all charts) and set from the projects/charts (second from the top scroll table at left, showing project, chart and frequency) it was found. I am planning to get all of the selection to be interactively rendered at the right panel using JFreeChart tomorrow. So, how cool is that?

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