Monday, April 13, 2009

Started literature review.

I've spent about a week working on the work stuff. I was finishing code for the annual review which happened last Thursday and was pretty favorable. So, very little was done on Trajectory browser or any writing, but starting from last Friday I'm working on the literature review.
My CSDL techreports project for this is ../09-08/.. and this is the plan of the topics for review:

1. Introduction

2. Time-series similarity measurements
2.1 Euclidean distance
2.2. Normalization of time-series
2.3. Transformation rules (smoothening, scales and shifts)
2.4. Dynamic Time Warping (DTW)
2.5. Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)

3. Dimentionality reduction (time-series decomposition) and indexing
3.1. Distance bounding (or why it works)
3.2. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
3.3. Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
3.4. Chebyshev Polynomials (CP)
3.5. Singular Value decomposition (SVD)
3.6. Piecewise Aggregate Approximation (PAA)
3.7. Adaptive Piecewise Constant Approximation (APCA)
3.8. Symbolic Aggregate approXimation (SAX)

Today I'm finishing drafting "Introduction" and "Time-series normalization" and will continue with distances next.

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