Also, changes in schema and analysis forced me to rewrite bunch of the iBATIS queries, the coolest query so far is like that:
SELECT sm.id AS motif_id, sm.substring AS motif, sme.id AS entry_id,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sax_motif_offset
JOIN sax_motif_entry ON sax_motif_offset.sax_motif_entry = sax_motif_entry.id
JOIN sax_motif ON sax_motif.id = sax_motif_entry.sax_motif
WHERE sax_motif.id = motif_id) AS entry_frequency
FROM sax_motif sm
JOIN sax_motif_entry sme ON sme.sax_motif=sm.id
JOIN chart ON chart.id = sme.chart
WHERE sm.sax_index = #value#
GROUP BY motif
HAVING entry_frequency > 1
ORDER BY entry_frequency DESC;
and retrieves all motifs for the specific index sorted by frequency.
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