Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Happy Coding Hour with Philip.

I missed all deadlines for making this post, but had a good reason, that I'll explain further:

So, back to the coding hour: it was just great. We worked on my GWT telemetryviewer, but most of the time we spent discussing and drawing on the board. Philip asks me questions that I wasn't able to answer and which forces me to learn more. I do appreciate this, it reminds me class teaching experience: you seems to know all, but student asks you are very "dumb" (in your opinion) question - ... and you are lost. You just can not answer straight, you are puzzled by a question because it so simple that it really cuts down to the bones of the subject through all the meat. That's it. I've learned the lesson: even if GWT claims that it hides all DOM and client-server interaction from the developer, I must have an idea how all this stuff works.

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