Monday, February 9, 2009

Progress report

Last week I've finished the introductory part of the literature review concerned the time-series definition, history and classical analyses development. FYI: the first time-series plot is dated by the 10th century.

Currently I am reviewing literature concerning metrics used in the similarity search, specifically: Euclidian and Edit distances and their applications in DTW and LCS algorithms. While it seems sound somehow trivial, the time-series transformation rules defined in the research literature through years such as a moving averages smoothing, local and global scales and shifts are making life a little bit harder. The further development through the piecewise matching of the time-series without saving the temporal ordering moves it to the next level of complexity while the concept seems to be being valid for the software development which consists of episodes.

I'm drafting the review flow by walking through the time-series similarity measurements approaches while arranging the relevant research within sections chronologically. Think it should work.
Getting ready to move further in the review to the indexing/clustering of time-series methods.

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