Monday, February 16, 2009

Working on the DTW implementation and Tests while planning the subsequence search implementation.

Last week I was working on the DTW package for the Trajectory project. I've spent about 12 hours hacking the Trajectory DTW java package itself: now it performs DTW alignment using most of the step patterns (it was quite interesting to learn about IEEE standards for NaN (not a number)) about the same amount of hours I've spend working in R making test templates and verifying Java methods; hope all the R plots I've made will contribute to litreview/thesis.

I did some research and collected available time-series normalization techniques and typed all in TeX for the literature review and thesis.

Right now I am working on implementing DTW Constraints in Java and on the example of the time-series similarity search. And... it seems like it does work in R for now, I'll post the results tomorrow, today it is too late to process all the plots and clean-up the code.

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